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Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is an all encompassing term that refers to acts of sexual aggression such as rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual abuse. Sexual violence can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, or sexual orientation. Any sexual act that is against a person’s will or consent falls under the category of sexual violence. Consent is when sexual partners both agree with the sexual activity being performed and feel comfortable sharing their opinions. People also have the right to withdraw consent at any time, and the other person should respect that. 

 We recognize that talking about sexual violence, whether past or present, can be very difficult. FRC’s sexual assault programming offers emotional support and advocacy to adult and child victims of sexual assault and their families. Information on the medical, legal, and psychological aspects of sexual assault are provided as well as safety planning. We also have a 24/7 Crisis Advocate available to accompany sexual assault victims to the hospital.

 It is very important that FRC’s sexual assault services are accessible to everyone, so please call 1-800-613-6145 to talk about your experiences or schedule an appointment.